The demolition of the twin towers of Chander Kunj Army Towers worth around ₹150 crore on Silversand Island in Vytilla, Kochi, ...
The firefighters directed them to another stairwell as debris continued to fall and large beams above ... the gaping void where the Twin Towers once stood, visible from her apartment window ...
Felix Sanchez, 29, a broker at Merrill Lynch, fled from his office minutes before the twin towers collapsed on September 11, the New York Post reported. Yesterday he was on board the Dominican ...
She experienced the fall of the Twin Towers in New York, nine years of separation from her family, and the tough beginnings of running a business. Yet, she has never forgotten her Orava roots - both ...
Over 3,700 kg of explosives has been loaded into the twin towers, which are scheduled to be imploded at 2.30 pm, and an area of roughly 500 square metres around them has been converted into an ...
Twin water towers peek through sea smoke on Lake Superior ... Wind chills in central and northern Minnesota will fall around -35. Tuesday night will be another cold one with lows in teens and ...