If they have not been previously treated, patients with reactive results from treponemal tests and nonreactive results from nontreponemal tests should be treated for late latent syphilis.
QUANTITATIVE serologic tests for syphilis have become more widely used ... as in the above case, Treponema pallidum may not be found in more than 50 per cent of the cases, 7 and quantitative ...
The first section of the report summarises progress in syphilis serological testing since the invention of the Wassermann test through to current nontreponemal (lipoidal antigen) and treponemal tests.
or "dongle," which enables a triplex ELISA test that provides results for HIV, treponemal, and non-treponemal antibodies. [57] Point of care syphilis testing in low resource settings may soon ...
Syphilis is an infection from the bacteria Treponema pallidum and can be diagnosed through several methods. You must complete two types of blood tests or a special microscope test to receive a ...
(NOWDx), a leader in developing over-the-counter (OTC) and point-of-care (POC) diagnostic tests, proudly announces that its First To Know ® Syphilis Test has joined the innovative TakeMeHome ...
3, 2012 Syphilis in South America A Closer Look ... Barba, Josep. 2003. "Campos elevados." In Moxos: Una Limnocultura. Cultura y Medio Natural en la Amazonía Boliviana, 89–92. Barcelona: Centre ...
Specifically, her research explores the interaction between past populations and diseases, like cancers and treponemal diseases like syphilis, which can contribute to a better understanding of disease ...