Genes can function as a risk or protective factor for caries. Several genes can affect enamel resistance (tooth genes) and a ...
Gail Lane has never seen the face of the man she loves. A decade ago, she lost her vision, leaving her with only memories of ...
Research led by Jilin University, China, is providing bioarchaeological evidence on a mass grave at the Bayanbulag site in ...
Insecurity about one’s oral health is common, particularly when it comes to tooth discolouration as it can be both ...
And the tooth is the perfect structure to hold a focusing piece of plastic or a telescope for the patient to see through. ‘If ...
A blind Canadian woman, Gail Lane, is undergoing a groundbreaking "tooth-in-eye" surgery at Mount Saint Joseph Hospital in ...
Gail Lane, who went blind a decade ago, had the first part of her surgery at Mount Saint Joseph Hospital in Vancouver.
The Aspen City Council recently approved a contract with Earthscape Play to build a new playground at Wagner Park. The city ...