The £13 billion project aims to redefine this country's position in global trade and create the new "Suez Canal".
As efforts failed to dislodge it, the Ever Given became a symbol of Covid-era anxiety as the pandemic entered its second year ...
Zara owner Inditex’s emissions from transport jumped by 10pc in 2024 as the fast-fashion retailer used more flights to move clothes from production centres in Asia to its logistics hub in Spain and ...
Tankers are returning to the Red Sea to ship Indian fuel to Europe as insurance costs fall, according to UK shipbroker ...
A Greek tanker disabled by a Houthi attack in August is heading home after a successful tow through the Suez Canal. Delta ...
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt's Suez Canal Authority chairman Osama Rabei said on Sunday that 47 ships have been rerouted from Cape of Good Hope to Suez Canal since the start of February. Earlier this ...
TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. About the Archive This is a digitized version of an article from The Times’s print archive, before the start of ...
Chairman of the Suez Canal Authority Admiral Osama Rabie announced on Monday 10/3/2025 the successful towing of the oil ...
The Suez Canal Authority (SCA) has successfully towed a Greek-flagged tanker carrying over 150,000 tons of crude oil after a ...
We find in LippincoLfs Magazine, a paper fn)m the pen of Edward B. Grubb, relating “ what he saw of the Suez Canal during a trip from Timsah to Port Said last winter. In this article we find set ...
Suez Canal Chief Says Red Sea Crisis Did Not Create Sustainable Route to Replace Canal CAIRO (Reuters) -Suez Canal Authority Chairman Osama Rabie said on Wednesday that the Red Sea crisis did not ...