索尼SONY ILCE - 7CM2全画幅微单相机A7c二代a7c II银色单机现于天猫超市进行优惠活动。这款相机原价15799元,现在参与满1件打9.5折并且立减1000元的优惠活动。按照这样的优惠计算,下单1件时,最终只需实付14059.05元。
索尼SONY ILCE-7CM2全画幅微单相机A7c二代,银色单机,性能卓越,设计精巧。作为一款全画幅微单相机,它具备出色的画质表现和高效的拍摄体验,适合摄影爱好者与专业摄影师使用。
We're also testing the 16mm F1.8 lens – here it is attached to the Sony A7C II. | Credit: Chris Rowlands The lens is stabilized, which is an essential feature for a super-telephoto zoom, but ...
作为索尼A7系列的一员,Alpha 7C II(A7C II)更是以其小巧便携和高性能完美结合,成为了全画幅微单相机的新典范。 从外观设计来看,A7C II延续了 ...
Combining bright prime optics with a compact build, the Sony FE 16mm F1.8 G is a tidy super wide-angle lens for shooting landscapes and architecture. Corrections are required to compensate for barrel ...
The Sony A7 V is a camera that has been whispered about for months – and all the camera rumors point to it being launched any time now. (In completely unrelated news, CP+, the biggest event on ...