How much do you know about Shakespeare’s play Twelfth Night ... there’s a lot of people not working downstairs. Mainly Sir Toby Belch, Olivia’s uncle; Maria, her maid; and Sir Andrew ...
Malvolio is a character from Twelfth ... Night starring Stephen Fry as Malvolio and Mark Rylance as Olivia. Malvolio is a servant in Olivia’s household. He is rude and insults Sir Toby, Sir ...
Orsino finally realizes that it is Viola that he truly loves and they decide to marry, as well. Sir Toby Belch and Maria marry. Twelfth Night ends and everyone, except Malvolio, is happy.
There have got to be at least 12 reasons to see director Armin Shimerman’s top-flight production of Shakespeare’s TWELFTH NIGHT ... seem to have a thing for Sir Toby. For his part, Nagle ...