There is a misconception that all verbs in a paragraph should be in the same tense. The choice of the appropriate verb tense depends on context and meaning.
Woman in red cardigan: People do get their tenses of a verb confused ... Level 1 - Talking about the simple past How to use the simple past. Level 1 - Talking about the continuous present How ...
A simple sentence is built from the minimum of a subject and a main verb. It can be very short in length (but doesn't have to be): 'The angry dog barks.' It puts across one simple idea ...
Confused between Present Perfect and Past Simple? 😵 Don't worry ... FAST 🔗 FREE English Grammar Resources: 📖 English Verb Tenses Cheat Sheet: [Link] 📖 Common Mistakes with Tenses ...
In English, our sentences usually operate using a similar pattern: subject, verb, then object. The nice part about this type of structure is that it lets your reader easily know who is doing the ...
Others took the chance to help her add some clarity on the issue of the right tenses of the verb "come": "The verb 'come' has three forms: the base form, the past simple, and the past participle ...