They rebuild one of the most iconic components for an electronics tinkering beginner — an ultrasonic distance sensor, and what’s fun is, it stays fully functional after the rebuild!
[mircemk] shows how to create a simple non-contact proximity sensor using little more than an Arduino Nano board, and a convenient software library intended to measure the value of capacitors.
Building an Arduino speed detector using IR technology to measure the speed of a moving object is much more cost-effective, ...
With a miniature light spot size, these small, smart and precise sensors measure displacements and ... They are particularly suitable for displacement, distance and position measurements in ...
Maximum productivity and consistent quality are critical in automated welding processes. This requires robust, high precision ...
Dual-lens sensor measures tiniest objects A unique configuration ... of an object through the left and right lenses at a shorter distance than conventional methods. This precision enables the ...
Effective immediately, the cameras of the ImageIR® series operating in the short-wave infrared range are able to measure objects over very large distances.