During the pandemic, sales of plants spiked from previous years as people took advantage of the extra time at home. That increased interest in plants has stayed strong in the years since, with ...
Scrub mints are among the most endangered plants you've probably never heard of. More than half of the 24 species currently known to exist are considered threatened or endangered at the state or ...
Andre A. Naranjo is Botanical Curator at Florida International University. Modern scrub mints, delicate flowering plants that grow mostly in Florida, likely result from ancient hybridization ...
Slow violence. Piece by piece, Florida’s natural lands are cleared of plants and wildlife, and then repurposed. Not only are there less homes for Florida scrub jay families today, but ...
Four conservation groups, represented by Earthjustice, filed a request in federal court today to defend critical Endangered Species Act protections for the imperiled Florida scrub jay.
Andre A. Naranjo receives funding from the National Science Foundation, Florida Native Plant Society, and the Botanical Society of America. Modern scrub mints, delicate flowering plants that grow ...