Gino Corioni lo acquistò dal Real Madrid. Dopo la retrocessione del 1993 disse: «Non sono un codardo, qui ho riscoperto ...
Il «Maradona dei Carpazi» compie oggi sessant’anni: pallino di Corioni, dal 1992 al 1994 ha vestito la maglia del Brescia ...
The TSV Hartberg coach, however, also remains a firm favourite in Italy, where he spent four years with Brescia alongside the likes of Roberto Baggio and Pep Guardiola. Markus, thanks for joining us.
What was it like playing with a football legend like Roberto Baggio, and how would you describe him up close? "When I arrived at Brescia, my teammates gave me the number 10 shirt before Baggio joined.
Pep Guardiola e Roberto Baggio si sono incontrati di persona, come avevano annunciato. I due, in compagnia anche di Luca Toni ...
La Reggina poteva permettersi di frequentare il grande calcio grazie alle plusvalenze. Quanto fu importante il laboratorio ...
Roberto Baggio, the former Italian footballer, was injured during an armed robbery at his home while he and his family were inside. Former Italian international player Roberto Baggio and his ...
Per Brescia è stata la notte delle stelle ... c’è stato anche quello reale. Pep Guardiola e Roberto Baggio si sono ritrovati ...
He always remained Roberto Baggio." There was talent in the team ... Once again, Baggio had to move on, this time finding love at lowly Brescia. Perhaps that was just how it had to be.