A little rain didn't dampen ThorDrive, a self-driving car platform based in Seoul, from launching its self-driving delivery service. Starting Thursday, driverless vans will drop off purchases from ...
While cars like the Citroën SM had early versions of this technology, it was Cadillacs in 1996 that came with the first ...
But with rain on the way ... Handbook recommends driving 5 to 10 mph below the speed limit in wet conditions. Also, give yourself more distance between yourself and the car ahead of you.
Narrator: For everyday drivers, driving in the rain raises the risk of a fatal crash by 34%. For professional race-car drivers, who regularly compete in the rain, talent can only help so much when ...
Another tip for driving in the rain is to never start a car that's taken on water: It may be salvageable once it drives out, but starting it while underwater, may wreck the engine and other systems.