IN connection with Prof. Groom's article on the pollination of exotic flowers (November 10, 1904, p. 26) the following notes may be of interest. The inflorescence of Marcgravia Umbellata is ...
Current models predict that selfing should be advantageous for plants experiencing unreliable pollination (selfing increases reproductive assurance and ... from Vancouver Island that differ in flower ...
Every summer and fall in parts of Ethiopia, the red hot poker blooms, setting the high grasslands ablaze with its clusters of tubular flowers. "It's really like fire torches in the landscape ...
“The cacao pollination system is incredibly delicate,” said López-Uribe. “The flowers are very small and the pollen is viable for very few hours during the day. Changes of even a couple of ...
When the bee flies off and lands on another orchid it deposits the pollen, allowing the flowers to reproduce. Despite the elaborate deception, bee orchids also engage in self-pollination, transferring ...