Roots have always been of importance as a significant contributing factor to plant's productivity. Root apex is supposed to be the brain of a plant, ...
The authors’ model, termed BARE (for branching and annihilating ... changing the fungal species did affect fungal growth. A mutation makes plant roots more welcoming to beneficial microbes ...
Root nodules are organs on plant roots that facilitate the symbiotic ... researchers used the legume model plant Lotus ...
Animals and plants form complex symbiotic communities with microorganisms, the so-called microbiome. A research team from Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) and the Max Planck Institute ...
The glucose comes from food. This is how you make a model plant cell. There are a few things you'll need, a plastic box, a small sealable sandwich bag filled with water, cling film, some peas ...
SEATTLE — Co-founder of Prime Roots, Joshua Nixon, shows us how to replace deli lunch meat with a cleaner, plant-free option. In honor of Mardi Gras, he showed us how to create a delicious vegan ...
Has your monstera deliciosa (swiss cheese plant) started growing green roots from its stem? You’ve got yourself some aerial roots. Here’s what you need to know about this unique feature.
Licence transfers have now become quite common in the USA and apply to a significant number of NPPs being decommissioned. Nonetheless, the traditional business model of operators continuing with plant ...
"We have succeeded in having plant roots absorb a benign nanoparticle which was developed by Professor Gordon Xu's group at UQ for the delivery of vaccines and cancer treatments in animals.
View Full Profile. Learn about our Editorial Policies. Plant SLs serve two roles: canonical ones act as external signaling molecules typically released from the roots, while noncanonical SLs function ...