Six African Penguins at the New England Aquarium in Boston have made a new home on an island designed to address the aches ...
Penguins now have a place to go as they get older. More than half of the New England Aquarium’s African penguin colony has ...
African penguins at the New England Aquarium will live well into their golden years on a new, private island specifically ...
A survey in southern Chile has led to the discovery of six previously unknown Magellanic Penguin colonies. The six colonies ...
Some of the penguins at the aquarium are in their 30s, which is double the normal life expectancy of African penguins in the ...
A team from EL PAÍS joins the Spanish expedition which has detected the spread of deadly avian flu among Antarctic fauna ...
Marwell Zoo’s colony of endangered Humboldt penguins are enjoying a ‘holiday’ while their home at Penguin Cove undergoes ...
Critically endangered penguin chicks born at Michigan zoo - and there is a contest to name them - The African penguin ...
New ancient DNA research on Adélie penguin poo in Antarctica shows how several species respond to environmental change over ...
Analysis of sedimentary ancient DNA has illuminated 6,000 years of the lives of Adélie penguin colonies on Antarctica's Ross ...
Government, environmental groups and fishing industry agree to new no-fishing zones around penguin breeding grounds, ...