Consider supporting our stories and becoming a member today. It’s common knowledge that parents should talk and read to their young children. But are there similar things that parents can do to lay ...
We hope our kids will come to us when they are feeling anxious or depressed. What if they turn to a chatbot instead? Taylee Johnson, a 14-year-old near Nashville, Tenn., recently began talking to ...
Parents have many tough conversations with their kids. We explain to stubborn toddlers why it’s important to share their toys and talk with disappointed elementary schoolers about their feelings after ...
Taylee says Troodi, a mental-health chatbot built into her child-focused Troomi phone, validates her feelings. It’s available to talk any time, even when her parents are asleep. “Sometimes I ...
Beth Jackson, a therapist at the National Children's Advocacy Center, said, "Teenagers especially are also interested in ...