As Jesus and his disciples walked toward Jerusalem ... and interest in this particular Bible story. As you share the Palm Sunday children's story, be sure to explain the context.
Can children hear the donkeys ... world will do the same as they remember the story of Jesus riding on a donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. 8. Opportunity for prayer 'In the stillness ...
“Palm Sunday is the day we celebrate Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem at ... In some churches, like Carson’s, children process down the center aisle of the church waving palms at the beginning ...
Armed with popcorn, they turn towards a screen. The words PALM SUNDAY appear. We see Jesus on a donkey on the road with crowds throwing palm leaves. * NARRATOR: First up is Palm Sunday ...
Palm Sunday recalls the story in Christian Scripture of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, greeted by people waving palm branches. It is a reminder for Christians to welcome Jesus into their hearts and to ...
On the Sunday ... that Jesus was the promised Messiah, Who, according to the erroneous beliefs and expectations of the Jews, would sit on the throne of David, the king of glory, and be their ruler and ...
This is Holy Week for Christians. It is the last week of Lent and began with Palm Sunday on March 20. The days between Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday are known as Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday and ...