IT之家 3 月 14 日消息,科技媒体 bleepingcomputer 发布博文,报道称微软正调查新版 Outlook 存在的已知 BUG:用户点击“切换到经典版 Outlook”按钮后应用会崩溃。
For several months now, Microsoft has been urging Windows users to switch over to the new Outlook app, with classic Outlook recently getting an official “death date”. Many aren’t happy about ...
Microsoft began preinstalling the new Outlook app a few months back in Windows 10 and 11. It replaced the Mail and Calendar ...
You can install the old classic Outlook on your Windows 11 PC by following our step-by-step tutorial and block the web-based Outlook app.
Microsoft automatically installs the new Outlook with Windows 10 KB5051974. You can prevent the Outlook app from being installed with a simple registry hack. If you ...
微软力推新版 Outlook,但许多用户仍然偏爱经典版 Outlook。如果你也对经典版 Outlook 界面上的“Try the new Outlook”按钮感到厌烦,本文将教你如何通过修改注册表,轻松移除该按钮,让你的 Outlook 界面回归简洁。
A few days ago, Microsoft manifested something that had been a long time coming: forced installation of the new Outlook app on Windows 10 PCs by way of the February 2025 mandatory update.
Microsoft is investigating a known issue that causes the new Outlook email client to crash when users click the "Go to classic Outlook" button, which should help them switch back to the classic ... users on iOS trying to access their messages via Apple Mail are still struggling more than a week after users ...