So, when a bald eagle and an osprey decided to face off over a dead fish in the middle of a game at Jacksonville University’s John Sessions Stadium on Saturday, the players just had to kind of ...
An osprey carried its catch to a tree branch in West Kingston Thursday. The bird rested for about 10 minutes with the fish carefully balanced on the limb next to it, then flew off with the trout ...
The camera was not active last because the osprey started nest building before maintenance could be performed.
I was hoping to capture some images of an osprey (Pandion haliaetus). Sometimes called the Fish Hawk, River Hawk or Sea Hawk. All these other names are not correct and actually misleading since ...
Freedom of the press is alive. Look no further than the Longboat Observer letters to the editor and recent contribution from ...
All the baby needed to do was sit in the nest and wait for his parents, mostly the father, to bring him some fish. Osprey (Pandion haliaetus), also known as Fish Hawk or Sea Eagle, are not a hawk ...
The island-based International Osprey Foundation recently reported that many ospreys are returning from their wintering ...
According to the New Jersey Fish and Wildlife Department ... 293 nesting pairs of bald eagles in 2024 and documented 800 osprey nests in 2023. "This action is indeed a significant milestone ...