Hakim Barbier adalah pakar undang-undang maritim dan berhasil menyatukan ratusan tuntutan tumpahan minyak menjadi satu kasus. Perusahaan-perusahaan lain yang terlibat termasuk Transocean ...
A Louisiana island that provides critical nesting habitat for pelicans and other seabirds is being restored to nearly its former size after decades of erosion and a crippling 2010 oil spill.
Greenpeace has estimated the size of the area affected to be about 400 square miles, but with much of the oil underwater, it is difficult to determine. While the spill is not as large as some more ...
A deep-sea bacteria could be the answer to cleaning up decades-old oil spills in weeks After a disastrous deep-sea oil spill, a bacteria was discovered at great ocean depths, feasting on the oil.
The new spill Wednesday at 5.30 am was due to a malfunction in an unloading maneuver in the monobuoy operated by the company Oiltanking, which said in a statement that this time it acted more ...