He played himself in an episode of 30 Rock about Night Court. He also appeared in some creepier shows including the TV miniseries It and Tales From the Crypt. After slowing down his career in the ...
Unapologetically optimistic judge Abby Stone, the daughter of the late Harry Stone, follows in her father's footsteps as she presides over the night shift of a Manhattan arraignment court and ...
The fake reality show is getting close to the finish, and it’s getting harder to believe that the dupe, Ben, can’t realize ...
In her quest to bring order and dignity to the court and reign in its colorful crew of oddballs, Abby enlists former night court district attorney Dan Fielding (John Larroquette) to serve as the ...
More often than not, revival shows struggle to strike a chord that resonates with fans of its predecessor, but so far, Night Court is doing a solid job of preserving what made the original a ...