2025年北京国补把手机纳入了补贴范围,苹果手机也是,部分手机可以享受立减15%的折扣,最高不超过500元。于是苹果13手机,最低来到了2999的价格。 这个手机年前刚买的,花了3700,后来降价保价了一下,最终花了3500,与现在价格相比,还是优惠了500块钱呢。 不到3000的价格,苹果iPhone 13手机就相当具有性价比了,从外观上看,iPhone 13的设计简洁而又不失时尚感,机身采用了 ...
近期,一项针对数码产品的国家补贴政策引发了广泛关注。据悉,自1月20日起,消费者在购买手机、平板电脑及智能手表等电子设备时,将有机会获得最高500元的补贴优惠。其中,苹果iPhone 13的降价尤为引人注目,其售价已从原先的3499元大幅下调至2999元,这一变动迅速吸引了大量消费者的目光。
Surprisingly, the iPhone 13 and its mini version can request to expand their internal storage space up to 512GB. Additionally, the Pro models have a maximum internal storage space of 1TB. The new ...
It no longer sells the iPhone 13 series, which also sold for $599 prior to the launch of the iPhone 16 series. It's possible you'll find a new iPhone 13 for cheaper if you look at third-party ...
A new iPhone warning has been issued after a loophole was found that disables Apple’s phishing protection on its messaging ...
If you are considering upgrading your iPhone or switching over from Android but want the cheapest new iPhone possible, it’s ...
Neil Burger traveled from New York to South Korea to film “Inheritance,” filming it—chase scenes and all—on his iPhone 13. Here’s how he pulled it off.
The iPhone 13 is the Apple flagship from 2021 but it's ... For context, the iPhone 14 Plus has been given away with a new unlimited data line at Verizon these past few months, which is by far ...
an iPhone 12 or iPhone 13 can still be worthwhile in refurbished or new condition from carriers, but expect a shorter lifespan for iOS upgrades and support from Apple. Which is the best iPhone?