The recent discovery of a stupendously powerful neutrino has left scientists scratching their heads. New research suggests it ...
Opinion High energy neutrinos are the coolest particles in astrophysics. Born in distant cosmic cataclysms, they speed ...
A “ghost particle” discovered by a detector in the Mediterranean carried 30 times more energy than any neutrino observed to date ...
Neutrinos are very mysterious particles,” says Damien Dornic, one of the co-authors of a new paper published February 12 in Nature that describes the detection of the decay products of an extremely ...
A deep-sea detector glimpsed a particle with 220 million billion electron volts of energy — around 20 times as energetic as any neutrino seen before.
Neutrinos generated through solar fusion reactions travel effortlessly through the sun's dense core. Each specific fusion ...
The neutrino, as the particle is formally known, is 30 times more energetic than any of the few hundreds of previously detected neutrinos. These tiny, high-energy particles from space are often ...
In the vast expanse of the cosmos, powerful cataclysmic events unleash streams of high-energy particles. Among them are neutrinos—ghostly subatomic particles that travel unimpeded through space, ...
An international collaboration headed by researchers in the Department of Physics has shown that additive manufacturing ...
Learn what Jacobs will be doing for the Department of Energy’s Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility Near Site Conventional ...
The first direct measurement of the size of the neutrino, a fundamental particle, suggests they are at least larger than an atomic nucleus – but they could potentially be trillions of times larger.
“What we have discovered is, we think, the most energetic neutrino ever recorded on Earth,” said Paul de Jong, a physicist at the University of Amsterdam and current spokesperson for the ...