Resistance forces now face the challenge of building an ethnically inclusive and democratic state, something that no government in Myanmar has ever achieved. The country's prospects of democracy ...
More than a million people have fled Myanmar's brutal civil war to seek shelter and work in neighbouring Thailand, where ...
The camps are overseen and run by the Thailand Burma Border Consortium (TBBC), a union of 11 international non-governmental ...
Myanmar’s farms are well diversified, with most farms producing rice paddy during the monsoon season and other crops such as beans, pulses, oilseeds and maize, during the cool and dry seasons. The ...
Focus: Discovering new species of freshwater fish in Myanmar (Burma) We are expanding the Museum's collection of freshwater fishes from Myanmar (Burma), introducing new species. Our work focuses on ...
After two years of strong economic growth and macroeconomic stability, Myanmar faced a more difficult economic environment in 2015-2016. During this period, economic growth in Myanmar eased to 7% from ...
BANGKOK (AP) — Four years after seizing power from the elected administration, the head of the military government declared Myanmar will hold a general election within 10 months, state-run media ...
Pekhon diocese is situated in the southern part of Shan State, in eastern Myanmar. There are five townships in the diocese. They are Pekhon, Pinlaung, Naungtaya, Hsi Hseng and Mawkmai. The diocese ...