Galloping-horse-like beats and gang-chanted, throat-sung choruses create exhilarating and evocative songs across a variety of metal genres – folk being the most identifiable and well-known when it ...
Bruce Dickinson might be busy with his solo work right now, but the Iron Maiden machine is firing back into gear for 2024. The band have just announced an additional date for their upcoming North ...
Mongolian folk metal band The Hu begin their first-ever North American headlining tour tonight, release their debut album on Friday, and play Riot Fest’s all-metal stage with Slayer, Anthrax ...
The Hu is a Mongolian folk metal band formed in 2016. With traditional Mongolian instrumentation, including the Morin khuur, the Tovshuur, and Mongolian throat singing, the band calls their style ...
We’re obviously big supporters of Mongolian folk metal crew The Hu, who’ve risen to insane heights in a short period of time. Now, it looks like even more legions of new fans are going to be flocking ...