Your computer probably has a microphone in and, while they’re ok and are getting better, their small size often means that the sound isn’t especially good. It's probably enough for video chats ...
First, check that the mic isn't muted, then use Settings to confirm permissions and reboot your computer Reviewed by Michael Barton Heine Jr Reviewed by Michael Barton Heine Jr This article ...
If your computer registers an external Microphone as an Earphone, try checking Sound Properties from the Control Panel. If you have plugged the microphone into your computer’s jack, the issue ...
They're even still worth investing in if you're already using a laptop or webcam with a built-in mic, as the quality offered by a standalone mic is almost always going to be superior. That said ...
You can record the audio via the desktop or tablet as the microphone is said to be compatible with iPad, iPod touch, iPhone, Mac or Windows PC. You should be able to digitally control the preamp ...
These programs can extend so far as to include tapping into your laptop's microphone to check out what's going on. From the WSJ: The FBI develops some hacking tools internally and purchases others ...