Microbiology is the study of very small organisms, such as protozoa and bacteria. The field is related to biology and biochemistry, and programs focus on applications of microorganisms for basic ...
为提高微生物利用可再生甲酸的产量,德国马克斯?普朗克分子植物生理学研究所等机构研究人员用还原甘氨酸途径(rGlyP)替代卡尔文 - 本森 - 巴斯姆循环(CBB),工程菌株生物质产量提高 17%,为可持续生物生产提供可能。 为了解决这个问题,来自德国马克斯?普朗克分子植物生理学研究所、马克斯?普朗克陆地微生物研究所等多个机构的研究人员展开了探索。他们将目光聚焦在一种更具潜力的合成途径 —— ...
Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, archaea, fungi and protozoa. This discipline includes fundamental research on the biochemistry, physiology ...
Graduate training in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, provides education and research opportunities in each of our four core disciplines: bacterial pathogenesis, eukaryotic pathogenesis ...
The broad field of biotechnology and applied microbiology covers topics on the manipulation of living organisms to make products or solve problems to meet human needs. Students in this field study ...
Hospital sink drains are a hidden reservoir of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, highlighting the urgent need for stricter ...
The possibility of ending the HIV epidemic in Europe is more tangible than ever, but the actions we take now will determine ...
Recalls in the food and beverage industry due to contamination incidents can have catastrophic effects. Not only do companies have to pay fines and damages, but the impacts on the brand’s reputation ...
Analyse cutting-edge medical microbiology research, assess methodologies, and propose new ideas. Gain hands-on experience in a clinical microbiology laboratory, engage in collaborative discussions, ...
Paris-based Spore.Bio, a startup that developed an artificial intelligence-driven method for detecting pathogens, said today ...