A mega-tsunami caused by a landslide in Greenland ... sending vibrations through the Earth's crust around the planet, causing one of the largest tsunamis in recent history. The wave extended ...
In September 2023, a colossal landslide in East Greenland triggered a mega-tsunami in remote Dickson Fiord. The vibrations were felt around the world for nine consecutive days. For a year ...
The tsunami expert Simon Day, whose research inspired the show, is also thanked in the closing credits. However, "La Palma" does nothing to capture the more up-to-date and reassuring science.
Government panel reveals more than 80 per cent probability of massive earthquake along Nankai Trough, an 800km-long undersea trench near Japan’s Pacific coast ...
His calculations suggest that even mega-tremblors in any of the other seismic ... a substitute for a comprehensive database of pre-computed tsunami scenarios. Nine out of the 10 largest earthquakes to ...