But this crude dichotomy obscures the important truth that in the battle over reason Marxism has to fight on two fronts—against irrationalism (whether in the form of religious mysticism or the ...
Lucchese also engages with the roots of what he calls “right-wing Marxism,” a school of thought advanced most notably by Samuel Francis, whose ideas are experiencing a revival among certain ...
Here, we've collected Paul D'Amato's biweekly columns on "The Meaning of Marxism" that look at the basic ideas and theories of the Marxist tradition and how to apply them in today's world.
The spectre of Neo-Marxism is not haunting Harvard. We may speak the language of transformation, but the actions of our ...
In 2021, Matthew Lohmeier, a lieutenant colonel in the Space Force and former Air Force fighter pilot, self-published Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the ...
Marxism is bankrupt! From the most liberal democrats to the rabid fascist reactionaries, the declaration of the bankruptcy of Marxism has become a victory cry. The narrowness and short-sightedness of ...
Everything was backside first and inside out: the warmhearted friendliness abruptly stilled by impenetrable bureaucracy; the bizarre effect of a kind of amateur Marxism falling heir to all the ...
Collins’ history of the origins of the British revolutionary left is full of interest, and lessons of which to take heed, ...
In its three short years of existence, Anvil magazine published several writers who would go on to achieve immense fame, including Langston Hughes, Margaret Walker, Richard Wright, and Nelson Algren.
With the outbreak of World War II in September 1939 following the signing of the Stalin-Hitler pact a section of the US Socialist Workers Party led by Max Shachtman and New York University ...