For the tunnel, use two bricks across the gap to make a roof. An entrance tunnel will prevent predators from being able to reach a hibernating or nesting hedgehog 7. Place a sheet of wood on top of ...
It’s really easy to make a house for hedgehogs. Take a sturdy crate and turn it upside down. Cover it with stones, earth and wood, and make sure there’s an entrance. If it’s dry and ...
Everyone loves a hedgehog, but in the UK numbers of these prickly mammals have plummeted ... Your challenge, if you have a garden, is to make it part of a ‘hedgehog highway’ by making a hole about the ...
A spokesperson said: “If you find a hibernating hedgehog or dormouse in your shed or summer house, the best thing to do is welcome the little visitor and make its stay as safe as possible.
Future developments in the town will be asked to make provisions for hedgehogs New builds in a market town will be asked to put in hedgehog-sized holes in fencing to support the spiny mammals.
Hedgehogs, dormice, and bats are the only creatures in the UK that fully hibernate ... your shed or summer house, the best thing to do is welcome the little visitor and make its stay as safe ...