according to Kings Island's website. The theme park says Orion is one of only seven "giga coasters" worldwide. That ...
According to the park's website, it travels up to 68 mph and has a 167-foot lift hill. This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: Man injured at Kings Island may have been hit by ...
The discount may vary throughout the season. Visit the Kings Island website for details. provides discount information as a service to our members. We make every effort to ensure ...
Visit the Kings Island website for details. Disclaimer provides discount information as a service to our members. We make every effort to ensure accuracy but are not ...
According to an update on Kings Island's website, fiberglass panels for the new RiverRacers ride have started arriving at the construction site. The amusement park said that once all the panels ...
Kings Island recently released construction photos of its newest Soak City attraction RiverRacers, a dueling water coaster. The park has begun to assemble pieces of the ride’s fiberglass track ...
Helbig joined Kings Island’s team in 2007, where he worked in area management and digital marking. He left this position in 2023 and now writes the theme park blog " Theme Parks by Don ." ...