That's where the gospel ends. In Matthew and then in Luke, there are elaborate post-resurrection appearances. Jesus appears to his disciples in the Galilee, in Matthew, and in Jerusalem ...
Tomorrow is Easter, when Christians worldwide celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Christians gather the first day of every week throughout the year for this same purpose ...
The film stars Jim Caviezel as Jesus and is known for its ... the following movies provide an enjoyable way for kids to learn about the true meaning of Easter while spending quality time with ...
When Jesus died his body was put in ... celebrating Easter with CBeebies. Find easy Easter craft ideas to do in school or at home with the kids and find out how Toby and his friend Tia prepare ...
This is Holy Week for Christians. It is the last week of Lent and began with Palm Sunday on March 20. The days between Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday are known as Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday and ...
Luke Bryan just recently released a song entitled “Jesus ‘Bout my Kids.” While listening to this song on the radio, it touched a chord with me. As parents, our main ...
Easter Sunday marks Jesus's resurrection ... Easter egg hunts remain popular with both Christian and non-Christian children. Have a look at the thinking points below. You can discuss them with ...