It currently features a 35-acre platform built by King Herod, who was the Roman-appointed ... to Al-Aqsa during the Night Journey, and then on to heaven. The map, however, places a temple there that ...
As I write these words, our nation is faced with some serious leadership questions. The United States House of Representatives is holding impeachment hearings against our president. The Democratic ...
According to tradition, this litany, approved in 1899 for public recitation, originated at Marseilles, where devotion to the Sacred Heart became very popular during the early eighteenth century.
He makes a grand entrance into the city on a donkey to fulfil the prophesy of Zechariah, “Tell the city of Zion, Look, your king is ... in the highest heaven!” Key fact Jesus was showing ...
In a recent Bible study, the question came up “Will Judas be in heaven?” Going around the ... people do not believe that ...
Instead, it goes on to say how wonderful it would be if everyone lived without the hope of an eternity spent in the mansions of heaven which Jesus himself promised and prepared. If only everyone ...