去年年初,日本还与美国签下了一份购买400枚“战斧”巡航导弹的合约,安装在日本的宙斯盾驱逐舰上。 然而,“战斧”导弹技术有些老旧,虽然经过改进,但飞行速度慢,路线固定且无法隐形,突防能力有限。
如今这种情况正在发生改变——美国近日宣布,批准向日本出售新一批增程型联合防区外空对地导弹(JASSM-ER),这种远程隐形巡航导弹将装备日本自卫队的F-15J、F-35A和F-35B战斗机。有分析称,这些空射隐形巡航导弹将极大提升日本“先发制人”的打击能力 ...
The U.S. Air Force’s continued emphasis on upgrading its legacy aircraft is surging forward in tandem with an effort to keep its decades-old fighters and stealth bombers relevant in a..
The U.S. Marine Corps is able to arm its F/A-18C fighter jets with AGM-158 cruise missiles, which offer long-range, precision ...
The JASSM is just the latest weapon platform or ordnance that was once considered completely off the table for Kyiv, as the ...
What makes the JASSM-ER especially useful for Japan is the extended range of the missile. The range on the JASSM-ER is more than 1,200 miles. That’s because this weapon has an internal fuel tank and a ...
JASSM missiles, or AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles, are designed to strike targets beyond the range of air ...
The deal also includes AGM-158 JASSM DATM (Dummy Air Training Missiles); containers; JAGR (JASSM Anti-Jam GPS Receivers); support, testing and maintenance equipment; spare parts; and all ...