Diet puts Greenland Inuit at risk from 'forever chemicals': studyScientists warned on Thursday that the long-term health of Inuit hunters in eastern Greenland was under threat, due to so-called ...
Scientists warned on Thursday that the long-term health of Inuit hunters in eastern Greenland was under threat, due to ...
For thousands of years, the Inuit have lived above the arctic tree line as hunters and gatherers in an ice-based landscape.
Amid a warming climate and disappearing traditional knowledge, Inuit communities in the Canadian Arctic are grappling to adapt. When sea ice ages, the salt sinks into the ocean, leaving fresh ...
A girl watches her grandmother remove the fat from a polar bear pelt. By Bryan Walsh |Photographs by CAMILLA ANDERSEN Most of us—even those who care deeply about the issue—are insulated from ...
Inuit Pride Stirs Independence Mood in Greenland ... from a time when hunters used walrus tusks and bones to make hunting tools, amulets, or toys. "I get to do art out of the stories that I ...
Inuit men sing to the accompaniment of tambourine ... from which they constructed houses. Even their hunting tools came from the animals they killed -- fashioning bows from musk-ox ribs and ...
The Nunatsiavut Government recently launched Aullâsimapvet, a pilot project funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada that helps Inuit cover the costs of gas, ammunition and food.