Next we're putting a smaller plastic cup inside the big one ... ADAM:'She's put safely in the nest.' ADAM:Yep, she's in. ADAM:'Planet ant has two main areas the nest boxes and the foraging ...
Ant colonies are one of the wonders of nature: complex, organised... and mysterious. This programme reveals the secret, underground world of the ant colony, in a way that’s never been seen before.
The nest is a new home for a million-strong colony ... in which ants are helping us solve global problems. Planet Ant: Life Inside The Colony (1x90) - Tuesday 12 March, 9-10:30pm ...
But, unfortunately, the nest and all its roads can't protect the ants from every threat. It turns out, all sorts of critters sneak inside fire ant nests. And while many of them are harmless ...
In general, ants are difficult to get rid of because they are resilient, nest in large ... to place them near ant trails in ...