The freedom to vote is under attack across the country, especially for Black voters and other voters of color. States can ...
There was a major struggle to earn the right, but now many people in the North Omaha community don’t bother to vote.
Voting is how we make our voices heard and bring forth a world rooted in our values of justice, hope, and love for all God’s Creation, our Sacred Earth. Faith leaders know how important it is to ...
The members of the Young Lawyer Editorial Board hope that this article will provide a “judicial elections refresher” to our fellow attorneys so that we all may be well-informed voters and continue to ...
“It’s very important to have a voice and vote so your voice can be heard,” Marquez said. Early voting for the Feb. 25 Democratic and Republican primary elections in Waukegan and North ...
The day-long series of events promote the importance of voting, said Duke senior Chloe Decker, student chair of Duke Votes, the nonpartisan student group organizing the series of events. “It’s a big ...
The post Boyer: The importance of Single-Member Districts to the Voting Rights Act appeared first on Alachua Chronicle.
Now, she’s talking about the importance of voting. “I keep telling people like right now, if it wasn’t important, why would there be so many people trying to put barriers in front of you to ...