Another grizzly bear-related proposal, which would have hamstrung the Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s ability to manage ...
One proposal would grant some licensed elk hunters free ‘coupons,’ authorizing them to hunt for grizzlies outside the Greater ...
It spans from the earliest days of grizzly bear biology in the United States (a field pioneered by the famous Craighead Brothers in the 1930s) to the pivotal role that hunting plays in the ...
Wyoming Game and Fish Director Angi Bruce told legislators Tuesday that getting grizzlies delisted is a top priority for the ...
Last March federal magistrate judge Candy Dale made a ruling outlawing trapping and snaring of wolves outside the grizzly ...
"In light of the recent transition and the need for this Administration to review the recent grizzly bear proposed rule, the ...
A grizzly bear is the only land animal that will hunt you back. That’s what a former spokesman for Idaho Fish and Game once told me.