Not everything I write down will become a poem, but some things will. The Tower blocks are like monsters. I can add to that idea. The Tower blocks are like monsters. Gazing down at us through ...
Poetry can be a wonderful way to express your emotions. When you are angry, you can write an angry poem. When you’re happy, you can write a happy poem. When I’ve had sad times, I’ve written ...
Ever heard the saying “the best writers are readers”? The first step to writing a poem is figuring out what you like about poetry. Is it imagery? Format? Rhyme? Start by sampling a few poets.
To introduce students to close reading poetry and using writing to understand reading; to prepare them to write a 4-6 page essay on a single poem Students have read selected poems and the chapter on ...
A creative writing course in which students develop and advance poetry skills within the major modes of lyric poetry and within the context of a more advanced engagement with fundamental elements of ...