Within months of the stock market crash, Hoover signed into law the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, a 1930 measure that increased tariffs for a broad swathe of imported goods. In response, several ...
And he frequently begins by talking about the infamous Smoot-Hawley tariff of 1930. (Prior analysis: Tax Notes, Dec. 19, 2016, p. 1398.) Trump critics routinely invoke Smoot-Hawley as an object ...
Among the most infamous examples is the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930, which exacerbated an already dire economic situation. Implemented to protect American farmers and manufacturers, the tariff ...
to bolster prices ballooned into a sweeping piece of legislation known as the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act. It raised already high U.S. tariffs, eventually bringing the average import duty to a ...
The key difference is that America now has excessively high consumption, while it had low consumption and excess savings when the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act was passed in 1930. "Done under current ...
(SOUNDBITE OF FILM, "FERRIS BUELLER'S DAY OFF") STEIN: (As Economics Teacher) The tariff bill, the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act, which - anyone? - raised or lowered - raised tariffs. MALONE: But that ...
Willis C. Hawley (left) and Reed Smoot meeting shortly after the signing of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act. (Credit: National Photo Company/Wikimedia Commons/Postmedia files) Fans of the movie Ferris ...