The Diffusion Of Innovations In Health, Social Care, And Education Sectors In 2015, I reached a significant milestone in my career: completing my PhD on evaluating clinical decision support systems in ...
Advancing wearable technology for major health benefits From wireless implants for Parkinson's and epilepsy patients to heart monitors to measure cognitive workload in concussion sufferers, our ...
Digital health innovation (DHI) is a growing category of technologies that connect healthcare stakeholders and improve patient experiences and outcomes. From patient apps and telemedicine services ...
Christensen, Clayton M., Richard M.J. Bohmer, and John Kenagy. "Will Disruptive Innovations Cure Health Care?" Harvard Business Review 78, no. 5 (September–October 2000): 102–117.
Just think about being able to wake up every morning feeling just about as energetic and vigorous as you did when younger, filled with the same level of enthusiasm for those favourite things in life.
The Innovation Center has identified multiple ways to scale innovations and models. For example, the new Health Equity Benchmark Adjustment in the Medicare Shared Savings Program is rooted in the ...
The Center for Innovation in Global Health Technologies (CIGHT) recognizes the multidimensional complexity of the global healthcare arena. Working in alliance with corporate, not-for-profit, and ...