在近期,一场室内设计界的盛事——第十二届Hi-Design室内设计大赛圆满落幕,这场由Hi-Design与中国建筑装饰协会携手打造的赛事,以其独特的魅力吸引了广泛关注。随着“大师视界·非凡之旅”颁奖典礼暨游学活动的结束,大赛不仅展现了设计界的璀璨风采 ...
This one of a kind bus wrap was designed by artist Cory Kamehanaokala Holt Taum, and is part of the city's Wahi Pana public ...
Should the Hawaii state flag get a new look? There’s a proposal this legislative session that would create a commission to lead the process of redesigning the state flag. The Hawaii state flag tells a ...