A people who shaped Turkish literature through their poets, performed their worship in Turkish, and preserved their language, ...
The post falsely claimed that Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong were not responsible for the murders of millions of ...
I have had a poster hanging on the door of the room where I sleep, which shows a stylized representation of the Indonesian ...
Connecticut commemorates the Holocaust every May with a solemn ceremony at the state Capitol building, a Victorian landmark ...
Trump’s Deputy Attorney General Todd Blanche threatened to pursue “terrorism” charges against universities and students for ...
The "genocidal acts" a United Nations investigation said on Thursday that Israel had carried out in Gaza are the most serious ...
Israel’s Foreign Ministry said the report was nothing more than a conspiracy theory attempting to demonize the Jewish state.
At least 50 people gathered early Thursday morning in a Westchester neighborhood, chanting "genocide" and handing out flyers, ...
Jezebel has been the Internet's most treasured source for everything celebrities, sex, and politics...with teeth.
Sudan filed an application instituting proceedings against the United Arab Emirates (UAE) before the International Court of ...
Corbyn is acting, as he did in relation to the Iraq War, to conceal every fundamental lesson that must be drawn by the ...
In an International Court of Justice complaint, the Sudanese government says the United Arab Emirates is fueling genocidal ...