And you may or may not have known that he also starred in 2004′s The Polar Express. Tom was an actor ... just how prolific he was in the film. “Tom Hanks is literally everyone in this movie ...
By employing a "motion capture" technique that allows filmmakers to put Tom Hanks’ facial expressions and body movements into a little boy character, the film creates a bizarre world where ...
"The Polar Express" premiered in 2004 and stars Tom Hanks, Chris Coppola and Michael ... "The CGI, it's a little funny looking at it now, because CGI has come so far. But the CGI then, it was ...
Unless you’ve been living under a large, soundproofed rock with notably Luddite worms for the past couple of decades, we’re willing to bet you won’t have any trouble spotting Tom Hanks in most ... in ...