Water current pervades every facet of existence for life in lotic (flowing water ... rain forest, and tundra. Discharge: The quantity of water passing a certain river or stream location per ...
For decades, the Colorado River Delta was a shadow of its former ... In El Chausse, an area once dominated by invasive shrubs and dust, a young forest is thriving. Cottonwoods, willows, mesquites ...
In the early 1970s the Forest Service began closing Snake Road for three weeks in spring and fall to protect the migrating creatures, Sue Hirsch, a public affairs specialist at Shawnee National Forest ...
Quakes recorded for the first time inside Greenland's biggest frozen river, the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream, suggest this river and others switch between moving jerkily and flowing like honey.
For the entire week, the river had not been flowing and residents were being forced to rely on dirty pools along the permanent river course. On getting to the river, Mr Muriuki found the situation ...