While big players like Shell and Chevron have abandoned the effort, ExxonMobil continues work. Algae biofuel research had an early surge in the 1970s-90s. Then, during a brief window of time, from ...
A Baltimore-area company has signed a $3 million deal to help a wastewater treatment plant use algae to transform sewage into ...
ExxonMobil plans to ... is experimenting with a type of algae that produces an oily substance good for burning. BP is conducting research on biobutanol, a fuel processed with the same bacteria ...
researchers intend to create an algae genome that has been optimized for fuel production. Challenges and Next Steps: Last July, ExxonMobil and Synthetic Genomics opened a greenhouse facility at ...
the PNNL research team concluded that 21 billion gallons of algal fuel could be produced by 2022 in the U.S. To achieve that amount of output, algae would have to be grown on land equal to the ...
But Solazyme announced it has reached a small milestone that could make greener flying easier for everyone: it has created jet fuel from algae. Bio-powered flight is not the exclusive dream of San ...