Photosynthesis is the dominant source of energy in most ecosystems through conversion of light to C-H bonds in organic material, and so the flow and fate or carbon is tightly linked to energy flow.
While such methodologies often face the challenge to reproduce the granular details of ecosystems, they generate insight on a more general level into the temporal dynamics of -and energy flows ...
The Neutrino Energy Access Token is more than a digital asset; it is a beacon of what is possible when innovation and ...
Scotland: Describes how energy flows between plants and animals in more complex food chains and webs and ecosystems, using vocabulary such as ‘producers’, ‘consumers’ and ‘herbivore'.
Project development impacts need to be mitigated to maintain the aquatic ecosystems and the access to water and services they provide communities. The required flow regime necessary for maintaining ...
By analyzing energy flows and metabolic processes within cities, the researchers uncovered that urban ecosystems exhibit multistable states. These states reflect different equilibrium points where ...
The wood biomass balance of forest accounts shows the economic aspects, and the carbon balance the ecological aspects of the forest ecosystem and its ... showing the income and product flows in ...