Shooting Stars Capturing the flight of emperor penguins in Antarctica is no easy ... A: I was about three feet away. My camera was in a [protective] Seacam housing; they were sending up so much ...
A rover quietly surveys the forbidding icy landscape. Suddenly, it whirrs into life: it has spotted an emperor penguin. With its antenna set to scan, the 90-centimetre-long robot trundles towards ...
This story appears in the November 2012 issue of National Geographic magazine. Roger Hughes has never seen emperor penguins in the wild. But when he saw them in a BBC documentary, rocketing ...
Nothing gets in the way of a baby emperor penguin getting into the water, not even a huge ice cliff. The courage some chicks ...
WASHINGTON— The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today granted the emperor penguin protection under the Endangered Species Act because of threats from sea-ice loss driven by the climate crisis. The ...
A large number of emperor penguin chicks were hit by the effects of climate change in 2023 as their icy homes were eroded despite the species’ endeavours to adjust to the shrinking landscape ...