An upside risk is stronger-than-expected growth in major economies, which would increase global demand and economic activity in the region. Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa is projected to strengthen to ...
and how it will impact the economy, according to UBS. 1. "The Fed failed to communicate" "Fed policy spin has been terrible... Spin is what counts. The Fed started well, describing 2021 inflation ...
Chicago Booth is renowned for faculty members whose insights and analyses reshape the face of business, markets, and the global economy. Economic Outlook provides a forum for our pathbreaking thought ...
adding it's unlikely the supply side can outpace demand growth at least through 2021. The shift from a spending-starved economy to one overwhelmed with demand forces a reevaluation of all sorts of ...
The IMF World Economic Outlook has shown that a small fraction of highly productive and innovative ... share best practices; and monitor risks (Medhora 2021). This could help protect financial ...
Following years of uncertainty since the pandemic upended the global economy, nationwide and local growth remains steady ...