Pasta is one of the most beloved comfort foods. The International Pasta Organization says a staggering amount of Americans ...
Welcome back to FTW’s Beverage of the Week series. Here, we mostly chronicle and review beers, but happily expand that scope ...
Not the best diet in the world. CLAIM: Eating pasta (and other starchy carbohydrate) after 5pm will increase sugar cravings. VERDICT: Silly, says Wendy Doyle at the British Dietetics Association.
A golden retriever and a German shepherd challenged each other to a spaghetti eating competition, and the results have left ...
In a delightfully nerdy move, a group of scientists having a games night and eating pasta have published a paper on the physics of how their food was cooked. The group of scientists, from the ...
“That seems to be the amount we feel comfortable eating if it’s our main dish.” Which brings up another point: Is the pasta meant to be the whole meal, a side dish or just one course out of man ...
For others, it's a guilt-ridden sign that January's healthy eating initiative is veering wildly off-course. Pasta's been trendy, demonised (remember spiralisers?) and everything in-between ...
In light (or should I say dark) of the cold Isla Vista nights, there comes a time when you have to stop ordering takeout and ...
Pasta – it's a tricky subject. For some, a bowl of cheese-topped spaghetti bolognese is the ultimate comfort food with every right to its place on the meal plan. For others, it's a guilt-ridden sign ...