A 13-year-old had found a record-breaking pair of Grallator ssatoi footprints in Northwest China’s Gansu Province years earlier. The footprints were reported much later to the authorities, and ...
If you’ve ever watched that part in “Jurassic Park” where the T-Rex surprises a guy in a porta-potty and chomps him like a ...
By a very small margin, Spinosaurus is currently thought to have been the largest carnivorous (meat-eating) dinosaur, ...
Take this quiz to find out your "dinosaur IQ" and check out CNN Films' "Dinosaur 13" Thursday, December 11 at 9p ET. Loading ...
The answer: A new species of dinosaur, discovered by a team of paleontologists associated with the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. The new species, known as Tyrannosaurus ...